Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Visual Guide to the Financial Crisis

I found a great visual guide to the current financial shake up. It doesn't include everything (it stops going down the rabbit hole at 'falling home prices') but it does illustrate the amount to which a flawed narrative can cascade through the system, causing a illusion of prosperity. I call this system the 'free market' in all of its iterations, both up and down

Click here for the link

I think what we're seeing a two-fold development: the (potential) on-going failure of narratives that don't include or take into account peak oil. And two, (potentially) the beginning of the failure of our cultural narrative of progress. I don't want to sound the funeral bell for this idea of 'progress' quite yet, but overall its not looking good. The market will probably rebound at some point, and the economy as well. The question is what ceiling of economic activity will cause energy prices to skyrocket again? In the coming decades that ceiling will be getting lower and lower, and the lowest price of energy will get higher and higher.

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