Friday, August 29, 2008

Public Transit

From the Steering Committee meeting: Crude Awakening will begin to focus more of its attention on public transit, as an actionable outgrowth of the peak oil problem.

Peak Oil is beginning to be evident in the prices especially of gasoline, and high prices are causing all sorts of behavioral changes, most notable is a increased reliance on public transit, biking and walking. Thus a focus on enhancing existing networks of efficient transportation seems to be a good use of the group's energy, and a sensible response to the problem of Peak Oil in Austin, Texas.

This does not mean of course that Crude Awakening will neglect other aspects of the Peak Oil problem...certainly plenty needs to be accounted for. It does mean however that Crude Awakening recognizes that in addition to personal preparation, that the entire community needs to work together for solutions, and that solutions that only involve individuals will be inadequate to ensure a smooth transition to a more efficient, less energy-intense mode of living.

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