Tuesday, May 27, 2008


This From CNN.com

[ Tracy and Adam Crews posted on iReport that their annual Memorial Day weekend has traditionally involved camping and fishing.

"Well, due to the continual rise in gas, we felt our only recourse was to nix the idea this year and stay home" in Jacksonville, Florida, they wrote.

Instead, the couple said they "decided to camp out in the backyard. We set the tent up, just finished installing our above ground pool, and cleaned up the grill. ... We have ourselves a campsite! It's been a blast!"]

--full article : here at cnn.com

Who says peak oil means only chaos and unhappiness? Certainly those things will play a role, but what about reconnecting with our communities, our families, our freetime, our children?

I've always maintained that peak oil is an opportunity to live richer, fuller lives, at least here in the US.

I'm past the point of worrying so much about the economic ramifications of peak oil, or about the state of a post-peak world. I have new confidence in myself, and I know that whatever happens we will deal with it. Its time to start hoping for the best, something the peak oil movement seems to have quite a bit of trouble with....

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